Your Script

Voicemail (Same Day) - Day 1 - Immediately

Hey It’s [YOUR NAME] calling.

Thanks for reaching out about growing your mortgage career.

I’m looking forward to learning about your goals and how we might be able to help you achieve them.

We have a number of very exciting new opportunities here that I think you might like.

Anyway,  I understand the need for discretion at this point so reach out whenever it is convenient for you.  

I will shoot you a text in a couple of minutes with my contact details as well as an email.  If there is a specific email address you would like me to use just reply to the text and let me know.

Looking forward to connecting and talk soon!

Day 1 - SMS - 10 Minutes After Opt-In (10 Mins.)

Hey, It’s [Your Name],

I left you a quick message.  Here are my contact details so you can reach out.

You can also use this link to find a time to chat that works best for you.


Talk soon,

Email - Day 1 - 20 Minutes After Opt-In (10 Mins.)

Subject: Your Inquiry

Hey {{contact.first_name}}, 

Thank you so much for inquiring to learn all of the different ways we can help you grow your mortgage career. 

Whether it is marketing and lead generation, internal processing, compliance, or help building and surrounding yourself with the right team... we offer a tremendous amount of value in all areas. 

I would love the opportunity to speak with you about where your career is right now, what your goals are for the future, and help you make a plan for your business. 

You can follow the link below to find a time that works for you or simply give me a call at this number {{}}.


All of our communication is confidential.  We understand it is very important not to disrupt your current relationship. 

I’m looking forward to connecting with you.


Voicemail - Day 2 - 10:00am (1 Day)

Hey, It’s (YOUR NAME) following up on the information that you requested yesterday.

Looking forward to chatting about taking your mortgage career to the next level!  I will send you a bit more information in an email along with a link where you can book a time for us to have a friendly chat over the phone.

Talk soon!

Email - Day 2 - 10:20am (After 10 Mins.)

SUBJECT: Your Career?

Hey {{contact.first_name}}, 

The other day you reached out for information on how you can make more money in your mortgage business while working less and having a team that supports you. 

We believe we have one of the best models in the industry for helping loan officers reach their goals.  We have systems for, marketing and lead generation, internal processing, compliance, and help you build and surround yourself with the right team. 

I would love to hop on a call with you and discuss the different processes you need to put into place in order to reach your goals. 

You may be able to implement them at the company you are at or we may discover that our ready-made systems are the right fit for you.  Either way, I’m looking forward to giving you as much value as I can from my years of experience in the industry. 

Use the link below to find a time that works best for you or simply give me a call at this number {{}}.


To your success, 


Voicemail - Day 3 - 10:00am (1 Day)

Hey It’s (YOUR NAME) following up because you had requested more information on making a change in your mortgage career.  This is my final phone follow up for a bit.  Just reply to one of my texts when you are ready to chat and we can pick up the conversation again.

Before I go, a quick question.  Could you tell that all of my follow up to this point has been 100% automated?  We use this same system to help all of our LO’s convert deals from past customers, referral partners and new leads.

It’s just one of the many benefits that we bring to the table to help your mortgage business grow.

Looking forward to chatting with you about it.


SMS - Day 4 - 10:10am (10 Mins.)

Hey {{contact.first_name}}! Are you still interested in exploring opportunities to grow your career in the mortgage industry?

Email - Day 5 - 10:20am (10 Mins.)

SUBJECT: {{contact.first_name}}, do you have a mentor?

Whether it is a World Series-winning baseball player, a business titan like Richard Branson or an astronaut training to go to Mars, every person in life that aspires to do great things works with a mentor. 

How are you doing?  I personally have over [X] years of experience in helping loan officers reach their income and time freedom goals. 

We have helped [X(100's, 1,000's)] of loan officers through coaching and support reach goals that they initially did not think were attainable. 

I would be honored to share 30 minutes of my time to get to know you, your goals, and share with you my greatest insights on what you need to do to grow. 

Use the link below to find a time that works best for you or simply give me a call at this number {{}}.


 This is my last communication for a while as you’ve not responded to my previous messages and I look for fast movers and action takers.  I understand life gets busy, so I’ll reach out again in a couple of weeks. 

All the best, 


SMS - Day 8  - 10:10am (After 10 Mins.)

Just following up. What’s the number one pain point in your mortgage business right now? I’d love to help you solve it! - {{}}

SMS - Day 15 - 12:00pm (21 Days)

Hey {{contact.first_name}}! Are you still interested in exploring opportunities to grow your career in the mortgage industry?

Email - Day 18 - 12:00pm (21 Days)

Subj:  Our Appointment.

Hey {{contact.first_name}},

You reached out about potentially making a move in your mortgage career.

There are many things to consider to make sure that you are making the right choice.  Potentially, we are not the right fit for you.

That aside, I want you to find the right fit and be successful.  Which is why I would love to get on a call with you and walk you through my process for evaluating the different offers you may be entertaining right now.

It’s exceptionally valuable even if the final decision is to stay where your at.

There is no charge and you can find a time that works for you here.
{Appt link}

Looking forward to chatting.


SMS - Day 30 - 10:00am 

Hey {{contact.first_name}}! 

This is my last follow up.  You know where to find me. :)

Wishing you all the best!
