Your Script

Day (Same Day) - Voicemail - 2 Minutes After Opt-In

Hey, this is [Your Name]. I got your request from [Referral Partners Name] and wanted to get started on some options for you. If you could call me back at [Connected Phone Number] so we can get started, that would be great! Chat soon! 

- [Your Name] from [Your Company]

Text - Day 1 - 10 Minutes After Opt-In (8 Mins.)

Hey {{contact.first_name}}, I hope you are doing well! 

I recently received your information from a partner of mine [INSERT REFERRAL PARTNERS NAME]. [REFERRAL PARTNER FIRST NAME] had requested that I reach out to let you know now is a fantastic time to consider purchasing a new home, or looking at refinancing your current home.

My name is {{user.first_name}} and I am a local lender here with [COMPANY NAME].

I would love to help you or anyone you know with any mortgage inquiries and get you closer to your achieving your home ownership goals. Let me know if you have any questions or when a good time to chat would be. Thank you!


Again this is {{}} with [COMPANY NAME].

Email - Day 1 - 20 Minutes After Opt-In (10 Mins.)

SUBJECT: Let’s Connect!

Hey {{contact.first_name}},

I just left you a voicemail and sent you a text, wanted to make sure you got it. I am happy to send you any information you wish that may assist you with the home buying process or home loan process. I can give you options on home loan programs that fit your needs.

Give me a quick call at {{}} so that I can get you whatever information you may need and I can answer any questions you may have. There are some loan programs are specific to different counties so I’d like to get some specifics from you.

Talk soon!


Voicemail - Day 2 - 10:00am (1 Day)

Hey, this is [Your Name]. Yesterday you requested some information about mortgage loans. I am returning your message to let you know that we monitor hundreds of different loan programs to find the best rates, the lowest down-payment and we put all of our findings together in a custom home loan report. This information is so important that I want to get it over to you as soon as possible. Give me a call back at [Connected Phone Number] so we can get this over to you. Thanks and talk soon!

Text - Day 2 - 12:00pm (2 Hours)

Hi {{contact.first_name}}, hope you are well! Left you a voicemail and sent you a couple of messages yesterday. When is a good time to chat?

- {{user.first_name}}

Email - Day 2

SUBJECT: Just Checking In!

Hi {{contact.first_name}},

I am looking forward to helping you out with information on mortgage loans, as I said whether it’s a new home purchase, refinance, or just a general mortgage inquiry simply reply back and let me know what day and time is the best time to chat.

Looking forward to it!

Talk soon,


Voicemail - Day 6 - 10:00am (4 Days)

Hey, this is [Your Name]. A quick insider note for you. We monitor hundreds of different loan programs to find the best interest, the lowest down payments, the lowest total cost loans and we put all of our findings together in a custom home loan report. I have already got yours started. Give me a call back as this is time-sensitive information that you need for the purchase of your new home. You can reach me [Connected Phone Number]. Talk soon!

Text - Day 6 - 12:00pm (2 Hours)

Hi {{contact.first_name}}], is now a good time to chat?

Email - Day 6 - 4:00pm (4 Hours)

SUBJECT: Are You Around Today?

Hi {{contact.first_name}},

I wanted to follow up again on your contact request. I would love to schedule a time to talk. When is a good time to call you?

It might be easier for both of us if we just schedule an appointment now. Please call me directly at {{}}.

Talk soon,


Voicemail - Day 13 - 10:00am (7 Days)

Hey, This is [YourName]. I’m just checking in to see how your home search is going. I would love to help you with some great new buyer programs we have available. You can reach me at [Connected Phone Number]. Talk soon!

Text - Day 13 - 12:00pm (2 Hours)

{{contact.first_name}}, how’s the home search going?

- {{user.first_name}}

Email - Day 13 - 4:00pm (4 Hours)

SUBJECT: FREE Information About Home Loans!

Hi {{contact.first_name}},

I am happy to send you any information you wish that may assist you with the home buying process or home loan process. I can give you options on home loan programs that fit your needs.

Give me a quick call at {{}} so that I can get you your information requested and we can talk about your needs. Some loan programs are specific to different counties so I’d like to get some specifics from you.

Talk soon!


Voicemail - Day 30 - 10:00am (17 Days)

Hey, this is [NAME] over at [Company Name]. I’m just returning your message. Are you still looking to buy a home? Just give me a call back at [Connected Phone Number]. Talk soon!

Text - Day 30 - 12:00am (2 Hours)

What is your biggest fear about purchasing a new house? As your local mortgage expert I would love to ease your mind, and show you the benefits of buying now, and why you shouldn't be worried! ?

- {{user.first_name}}

Voicemail - Day 45 - 10:00am (15 Days)

Hey! I know you had reached out to me a few weeks ago. I haven’t heard back from you. Trust me, I know things can get super busy. I just wanted to make sure I followed up with you on your mortgage information, so you have access to everything you need. Which is best for you, later today or tomorrow morning, for me to get that information over to you? Call me at [Connected Phone Number]. Thanks, and talk soon!

Email - Day 45 - 12:00pm (2 Hours)

SUBJECT: Did I Mess That Up?

Hi {{contact.first_name}},

Many don't know that there is no such thing as a one size fits all mortgage. Your home loan financing needs to be tailor made to not only help you purchase your home, but to achieve other personal financial goals, such as paying off negative debt, saving for retirement, or putting aside money for a childs education.

When we talk I will be able to give you an idea of which home loan option is best for you. 

Talk soon!


Voicemail - Day 60 - 10:00am (15 Days)

Hi again. This is [Your Name] with [Company Name]. I hope you’re having a great day. I’m following up with you to make sure that you have the new information about buying a home in [Area Name]. When you have a moment, call me back or text me just to let me know. My number is [Connected Phone Number]. I hope you’re having a wonderful day!

Text - Day 60 - 12:00pm (2 Hours)

Hey {{contact.first_name}}, you reached out a few weeks ago. I know things can get super busy. Which is best for a quick chat, today or tomorrow morning? Let me know, with thanks! 
