This campaign works by automating the process of reaching out to your past clients to activate them as a refinance lead and deal.


Rather than you spending countless hours pounding the phones, cold calling, leaving messages and then chasing your past customers … You put in roughly 30 minutes of work and then just field the incoming phone calls of clients that are ready to work with you!

Your Script

Voicemail - Day 1 - Immediately

Hey it’s [YOUR NAME] calling,


We helped you with your mortgage previously.


As you may have seen on the news, rates have dropped again.


I was reviewing your file and it looks like refinancing might be a great option for you right now.  By lowering your monthly payments you get more cash flow and we can also look at getting rid of any other monthly

payments that you might have higher interest rates on.


Just give me a call at this number when you have a couple of minutes and we can have a quick chat to see if this makes sense for you.

Hope all is well and I am looking forward to speaking with you.

SMS - Day 2 - 10:15am (after 1 day)

Hey {{contact.first_name}},

I left you a voicemail yesterday about your mortgage. 

Rates have dropped and it could be a great time for you to refinance. Let me know if you would like to see what the difference in your monthly payment will be. 



Email - Day 3 - 10:30am (after 1 day)

Subject: Your Mortgage

Hey {{contact.first_name}},

Just following up on my call and text. I am not sure if I have your home or cell phone number so I thought an email might be appropriate.

Mortgage rates have dropped again. I was reviewing your file and it looks like refinancing might be a great option for you right now. 

By lowering your monthly payments you get more cash flow and we can also look at getting rid of any other monthly payments that you might have higher interest rates on.

Just give me a call at this number {{}} when you have a couple of minutes and we can have a quick chat to see if this makes sense for you!

Thank you,


SMS - Day 5 - 10:15am (after 3 days)

I left you a voicemail a few days ago about your mortgage. If you recall, I helped you with your mortgage in the past and with rates dropping it looks to be a great time for you to refinance with us.

Let me know if you’d like to see how much you can save, how fast you can payoff your home, or if you’d like to get rid of a few other debts.


My team and I look forward to serving you again.

Thank you,


Email - Day 12 - 11am (after 7 days)

Subject: Refinance with Great Rates

Hi {{contact.first_name}},

I just wanted to follow up with you once more to ensure you have received all the information on refinancing your home. As you may have heard, mortgage rates have dropped again.

By lowering your monthly payments you get more cash flow and we can also look at getting rid of any other monthly payments. 

I'd love to talk to you about your options, please give me a call at {{}} when you have a couple of minutes and we can have a quick chat to see if this makes sense for you!

Talk soon, 
