This series of emails, texts, and ringless voicemails are designed for leads that have opted in through your survey builder from your Facebook Ads.

*All numbers, rates, and examples are for illustration purposes only.  You are responsible to verify the accuracy of your own numbers. 

Your Script

Day (Same Day) - Voicemail - immediately

Hey there!

I got your request over Facebook for more information about our Refinance Program, and wanted to get you started on some options. 

If you could call me back at [Connected Phone] so we can get started, that would be great! 

Chat soon, [Your Name] at [Your Company]. 

Day (Same Day) - Text - after 8 minutes

Hey {{contact.first_name}}, 

I have the information that you need about refinancing, special programs, calculators, etc...

Is now a good time to chat so I can get your custom refinance quote over to you right away?


Day (Same Day) - Email - after 10 minutes

SUBJECT: Mortgage Quote You Requested.

Hi {{contact.first_name}},

I just left you a voicemail and wanted to make sure that you got it.

I am preparing your refinance quote that you requested.  

I just need a little more information because we monitor hundreds of different loan programs each day to find the best interest rate, the lowest down payments and the lowest total cost loans including special government loan programs that you may be entitled to.  

Give me a quick call at {{}} so that I can get your quote right over to you.

Some programs are specific to different counties so I need to know what county you are in to see which one you may be entitled to.

Talk soon, 


Day (2) - Voicemail - 10am local time

Hi, this is [Your Name] at [Your Company]!  Yesterday you requested some information about our Refinance Program. 

I am reaching out to let you know that we monitor hundreds of different loan programs to find the best rates, lower your monthly payments and we put all of our findings together in a custom report for you. I just wanted to get that over to you because it is so important. 

Call me back at [Connected Phone] so we can get this over to you. 

Thanks, and talk soon! 

Day (2) - Text - (after 2 hours)

Is now a good time to chat?

- {{user.first_name}}


Day (2) - Email - after 4 hours

SUBJECT: {{contact.first_name}}

Yesterday you requested some information that you need about getting the right financing for your home.  I have that information that you need.

Just reply back and let me know is later today or tomorrow morning the best time to chat?

Looking forward to helping you out.

Talk soon,


Day (8) - Voicemail - 10am local time

Hey, this is [Your Name]. 

You requested information on the Refinance Program earlier this week. 

I would love to give you more information on the program, but in order to get you the right numbers and find out how much you can save monthly we’ll need to chat. Give me a call back as this is time sensitive information that can save you money fast! You can reach me at [Connected Number]. 

Talk soon! 

Day (8) - Text - after 2 hours

I’m putting together your refinance quote. Is now a good time to chat?

Day (8) - Email - after 4 hours

SUBJECT: Your Rate Quote.

I am putting together your rate quote.  I just need some quick and easy information because I have put you to the front of the line.

Just reply back and let me know is later today or tomorrow morning the best time to chat so we can get you what you need.

You can also call me at {{}} to get immediate help.

Talk soon,


Day (9) - Voicemail - 10am local time

Hey, This is [Your Name]

Just checking in to see if you’re still interested in using the equity in your home to save you money. I would love to help you with some great new information on refinancing and how it can help you. You can reach me at [Connected Number]. Talk soon! 

Day (11) - Email - 12pm local time

SUBJECT: {{contact.first_name}}

At this point, you may have gotten another refinance quote.  You are going to want to see what I can offer before you move forward as I can make this quick and easy and perhaps could save you thousands.  (I’ve done it before.)

When is a good time to chat?

Just reply back and let me know if later today or tomorrow morning is better.

Looking forward to helping you.

Talk soon,


Day (11) - Text - after 2 hours

Are you still refinancing and if so would you like a quote?

- {{user.first_name}}

Day (15) - Email - 4pm local time

SUBJECT: Are you around today?

You requested a refinance quote.  I had moved you to the front of the line and want to get your quote right over to you.

One more important note.  We monitor hundreds of different loan programs to find the best interest rate, the lowest down payments, the lowest total cost loans and we put all of our findings together in a custom home loan report.

Just reply back and let me know is later today or tomorrow morning the best time to chat so we can get over the information that you need.

For things to happen even faster call me at {{}} and I will get you what you need.

Talk soon,


Day (22) - Voicemail - 10am local time

Hey, this is [Your Name] with [Your Company].. I’m just returning your inquiry about possibly refinancing your home. Are you still interested in this valuable information? Just give me a call back or text at [Connected Phone]. 

Talk soon! 

Day (29) - Voicemail - 10am local time

Hey! I know you had reached out a few weeks back regarding refinancing. I haven’t heard back from you yet though. Trust me, I know things can get super busy even when we are receiving important information. Like the information I have for you. 

Which is best for you, later today or tomorrow morning to get this new information about our Refinance Program. Call me at [Connected Number]. Thanks, and talk soon! Again this is [Your Name] at [Your Company].