How To Customize The Connect My Leads Chat Widget

Step 1: Select Chat Widget in the navigation bar on the left hand side

Step 2: Select "Chat bubble" to customize your text and logo for your chat widget

Step 3: Select "Chat Window" to customize the text and color of your chat widget

Step 4: Select "Acknowledgement Settings" to customize the text that shows up after someone has initiated a conversation via the Chat Widget

Step 5: Copy and paste your code onto your website and/or landing page

How To Trigger A Notification For New Chats

After you have customized your Chat Widget, you will want to set up a Trigger to send yourself and/or your team notifications when someone initiates a conversation via the Chat Widget. 

Step 1: Add Trigger

Step 2: Under "Which event should trigger this automation" select Customer Replied

Step 3: Add Filter and select Reply Channel > Chat Widget

Step 4: Under "Which actions should we perform?" select "Send Email" and/or "Send SMS"