Hello (LEAD NAME), my name is (AGENT NAME) and I am calling on behalf of (CLIENT NAME) from (COMPANY NAME).  It is in regards to your mortgage information you requested online.  I just need to ask you a few questions and then I can book you in to speak with our team.

  1. Are you working full time?
  2. Do you have a downpayment?
  3. Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? Yes, has it been discharged?
  4. How is your credit?
  5. What's a comfortable monthly payment for the new home? (Less than 1500) Is that going to be your max?



Hi (LEAD NAME), my name is (AGENT NAME) and I work with (CLIENT NAME) from (COMPANY NAME). We tried to reach you in regards to your request for mortgage information online. When would be the best time for us to give you a call? This way we can go through whatever questions you may have. Thank you and have a great day.