CI - Pre Approved and Looking Campaign

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Congratulations again on getting your successful pre-approval!

How is the home search going?

If you have any questions or if you need any help with anything while you are going through the process I am here for you.  Feel free to text, call, or email, whatever works best for you.

I will continue to check in with you every so often and I will send over any resources or market updates that you may find helpful.

As a reminder, almost all of my business comes from referrals.  Often times those referrals come from valued clients just like you that are still in the process of closing their loan.  Can I count on you to send over the people that you care about when they are looking to buy, sell or refinance their home?

I sincerely appreciate it.

Thank you, 


TEXT - Send 7 days later


This is NAME from COMPANY.

Just checking in and making sure that you have my number handy in case you have any questions.

Feel free to text anytime during the home buying process.

Hope you are having a great day!


Email - Send after 7 days

Subj: Here's What You Do When You Find A Property.

Hey {{contact.first_name}},

We hope you are enjoying shopping for a home.

Just a friendly reminder that we are here for you throughout the process for whatever you need!

We have a wide network of qualified professionals that we have set up relationships with over the last decade that we are happy to refer you to.

If you have any questions or just want us to run the numbers for you on new properties we are here for you!

Simply give us a call at {{}} or email us at {{}} and we will get you what you need.

Looking forward to speaking with you again soon, {{contact.first_name}}.

You can also connect with us and stay up to date on the latest real estate and mortgage news.


Email - Send 7 days later 

Subj: A Free Resource For You.


How is the home search going?

As you find promising new potential homes one of the important things to consider is how much that home is going to cost each month.

Hopefully, you are considering this after all the wonderful benefits and the things you love most about the home. :)

I am including a link to our mortgage rate calculator.  You simply take the information from your pre-approval letter and combine it with the purchase price and the calculator will help you break down the monthly payment!

Here is the link for you.


As always,  Let me know if you have any questions, and don’t forget to send me an email connecting me with the people you care about that are buying, selling, or refinancing.

Thank you.


Voicemail - Send 7 days later 


Congratulations again on your pre-approval with us!

This is just a friendly check-in to see how your home search is going.  

If you have any questions, need connections to any other professionals to help with the process or even if you just need us to run some numbers for you we are happy to help.

Also, a reminder that we appreciate your business and your referrals.  Almost all of our business comes from happy clients like you telling other home buyers, friends and family or even connecting us to people in private groups on social media.

We would love to be able to show our appreciation for your referrals in the future so please keep us in mind.

Thank you and don’t hesitate to reach out.

Email - Send after 7 days 

Subject: Home Prices


It’s {{}} from COMPANY NAME.

I have had a number of our clients recently asking my opinion on if now is a good time to buy a home.  I thought you might have similar questions so I put this information together for you.

It’s completely normal to be nervous when buying a home.  It’s oftentimes the largest investment that people make.

It’s also challenging when home prices are moving as fast as they do in today’s world.  From a short-term perspective, it can be easy to lose sight of the larger benefits of owning a home and benefiting from the rising market in the form of your new equity.

Let’s take a look at home prices over the long term.

Over a long time frame, owning your own home is often the greatest investment that an American can make.

From just 2010 to today the average home price in America has climbed from roughly $275,000 to more than $425,000!

Short-term blips in the offer price or even a small change in interest rates really don’t have that big of an impact over the lifetime of your home ownership.

So, as you are out there looking at homes, don't sweat the small stuff.  Enjoy the process as best you can.

As always, call me if you have any questions or when you find the right home and you are ready to make an offer.

All the best,


Text - Sent after 7 days 


How is the home search going?

Email  - Send after 7 days 

Subj: The #1 Mistake Our Clients Make.


I hope your week is going fantastic!

I thought I would reach out today and share with you the #1 mistake I see our clients making while they are shopping for a home.

It’s making a large purchase or changing their job before their loan closes.

Your ability to close your deal is based on three main factors.  Your income, credit, and your debt service ratio.

Your pre-approval is based on the situation you were in when we did our work together.  If something in your life changes that affect your finances, jobs or debt obligations your ability to qualify changes as well.


If you buy a car, boat, or secure any other form of credit like a credit card or line of credit the total amount of your mortgage will most likely decrease.

If you quit your job we may not be able to use your income to qualify for your loan because the banks require you to be able to show stable income and employment.

If you are thinking of any major changes give me a call ahead of time so we can discuss and I can point you in the right direction.  I am here to make your homeownership a reality and want to take care of you every step of the way.

I am also here to help your friends, co-workers, family members, and connections on social media when they are ready to buy, sell or refinance.  Can I count on you to send over my information when you find someone that I can help?

Thank you and best wishes.


Email  - Send after 7 days

Subject: {{contact.first_name}}, Still shopping for a home?

Hi {{contact.first_name}},

We hope you are enjoying shopping for a home. Its been about 3 months since you met with our team and got pre-approved.

Just a friendly reminder that we are here for you throughout the process for whatever you need!

If you have any questions or just want us to run the numbers for you on new properties we are here for you!

Simply give us a call at {{}} or email us at {{}} and we are here for you.

Looking forward to speaking with you again soon,

You can also connect with us and stay up to date on the latest real estate and mortgage news on our social media.

