Step 1: Integrating Your Outlook Calendar To Connect My Leads

1. Log in to

2. In the navigation bar on the left-hand side go to Settings

3. In the navigation bar on the left-hand side go to Profile 

4. Scroll down until you find Integrations.  Here is where you will directly integrate your Outlook account with Connect My Leads

Integrating Your Google Calendar To Connect My Leads

1. Log in to

2. In the navigation bar on the left-hand side go to Settings

3. In the navigation bar on the left-hand side go to Integrations

4. Sign in to your Google account

5. Here is where you can connect your Google My Business Page if you have one associated with your Google account.

If you have your Google My Business Page under a different Google account, don't worry!  You can add multiple Google accounts to your account. 

Step 2: Setting Up Calendar Configuration and your User Availability

1. Once you've integrated your Outlook/Google account, head back into the software.  On the same page, scroll up until you find Calendar Configuration.  Here is where you will select your primary calendar (your Outlook/Google account) and the calendar you wish to check conflicts in.  There should be a calendar selected in both Primary Calendar and Check for Conflicts

2. On the same page, scroll up a bit more.  You should fine User Availability.  This is where you can select your Meeting Location (ex: custom, Zoom, Google Meet).  This is also where you can select the days and times you are available.  This will override all the calendars you create inside the software.

Keep in mind, once you integrate your Outlook/ Google Calendar, it will check for conflicts to avoid double bookings.  This is an additional setting you can set up if you did not want people able to book outside of your office hours.

Step 3: Create your Calendar If You Are Using An Outlook Calendar

1. In the navigation bar on the left-hand side, select My Staff. At the top of the page, select Teams.

2. Select Add Team to create a new team.  This can be completely customizable and you can create your teams however you feel fit.  If you what to keep each Team Member separate, create them as the only person in that team. 

3. Again, you can customize the Team Calendars however you would like.  If you want to separate them by groups or by individuals, that is a personal preference.  Just select the Team Members inside your account that you want to be associated with this calendar.

4. Now that you have your Team created, in the navigation bar on the left-hand side, select Calendars

5. The Unassigned Calendars will show up on the left-hand side if you have one created.  The Team calendars will show up on the right-hand side under the Team Name you created. 

6. To create a new calendar, select New Calendar. Go through the 3 steps (Team & Event Setup, Availability, and Confirmation) in completing your calendar.

Create your Calendar If You Are Using A Google Calendar

1. In the navigation bar on the left-hand side, select Calendars.

2. Being that you are using a Google Calendar, you can create an Unassigned calendar or a Team Calendar.  If you wish to create a Team Calendar, scroll to the top for those instructions.

3. To create a new calendar, select New Calendar. Go through the 3 steps (Team & Event Setup, Availability, and Confirmation) in completing your calendar.

Step 4: Testing Your Connect My Leads CRM Calendar

1. Now that you've created your Connect My Leads Team Calendar, click on the link to test it out. 

2. Your appointments should start to show up on your Outlook Calendar moving forward from the setup.  You can also go back to the main dashboard by selecting Go Back on the top of the navigation bar.  Once back on the main navigation bar, select Calendar 

3.  Once inside Calendars, you can view your appointments in a Calendar format or select Appointments at the top and it will change the format in which you view your appointments. 

Keep in mind, you can adjust the calendars you have created inside the software on the right-hand side of the page.