Your Script

Text Message - Day 1 (2pm local time)

Hey {{contact.first_name}}! It’s {{}}!

I just gave you a call.

I wanted to say thank you again for your business.

If you know anyone looking to buy a home, sell a home or that is looking for help with a refinance please pass my info along!

I would also appreciate it very much if you left me a 5-Star review on my Google profile. {{ custom_values.gmb_review_link }}


Email - Day 2 (between 8am - 5pm) - after 1 day 

Hey {{contact.first_name}},

It’s {{}}!


I gave you a call the other day and sent a text but I am not 100% sure if we have your landline or your cell phone so I am just making sure you got the message.


The main point is to say thank you for your business sincerely. It was fantastic working with you.


Our business is built on referrals and I would genuinely appreciate it if you would tell your family and friends about us when the timing is right.


If you know anyone looking to buy a home, selling a home, or looking for help with a refinance please pass my info along!


I would also appreciate it very much if you left me a 5-Star review on my Google profile. {{ custom_values.gmb_review_link }}


Thank you again!




Voicemail - Day 3 (9:45am local time) - after 1 day 

Hey! It's NAME. I gave you a call the other day as well as sent you a text message... but wasn't sure if we have your landline or phone, so I'm just reaching out to make sure you got this message.

The main point is to say thank you for your business sincerely. It was a true pleasure getting to work with you and obviously, I hope we get to work together again in the future.

Our business is built on referrals and right now in today's marketplace, there is a lot of news about interest rates and housing. When you come across a friend, family member, or co-worker that is interested in buying, selling, or refinancing... can I count on you to send those people over to us? It makes a huge impact on our business and I am truly grateful for it. 

One other thing while I got you.  We are doing a blast right now to see how many 5-star ratings and reviews we can get on our Google Business Page. I included a link in the text message that I sent you.  If you could take a couple of minutes to go and leave us a 5-star rating and review, I sure would appreciate it.

Again, thank you for your business and for taking the time today.  I look forward to speaking with you soon.