If you are a part of one of our programs where we are building Facebook Ads, we will need admin/ full access to your Facebook Page, Facebook Ads Account, and Facebook Pixel.

Follow the steps below on how to grant us access.

1. Log in to business.facebook.com/settings/partners

2. Select Add under "Partner to share assets with"

3. Enter in the Partner Business ID > 523763711299036

4. Select Next

5. Under Select Asset Type go find your Facebook Business Page under Page and select Admin/ Full Access

6. Under Select Asset Type go find your Facebook Ad Account under Ad Account and select Admin/ Full Access

7. Under Select Asset Type go find your Facebook Pixel under Pixel and select Admin/ Full Access

8. If you have your Instagram account connected, you can be sure to grant us Admin/ Full Access to that as well

9. Save Changes

10. Notify us at support@connectionincorporated.com that this has been completed so our team can get started on your ads right away.
